Thematic Shows

Pioneers and Komsomols are some of the most clear and evocative symbols of the Soviet Union, with the children and youth being brought up to be model citizens of the Soviet Union in the Bright Future waiting around that elusive corner.

For the artists, this theme was one of the most popular ones. There were a large number of state commissions on the topic, and many artist also loved the children's theme for their "private" creations.

This exhibition shows the works of about 15 different Soviet artists, from the period of 1930-1980, including Boris Sholokhov (Борис Шолохов), Mikhail Rojter (Михаил Ройтер), Lipa Rojter (Липа Ройтер), Natalia Gippius (Наталья Гиппиус), Marina Uspenskaya (Марина Успенская), Yaroslav Titov (Ярослав Титов), and more.

In the end of the exhibition you may find a rare collection of Komsomol pins and medals of the 1950s and 1960s.



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