WELCOME to Digital Soviet Art
Soviet Art and Socialist Realism in the 20th century

We feature a large number of Soviet and socialist fine arts, graphics and posters as well as applied arts and design of that period.
The artists featured were active in the Soviet Union from the 1920s through the 1970s, and their works cover Russian avant-garde, socialist realism as well as the non-official underground art of the 1960s and 1970s.
The artists featured were active in the Soviet Union from the 1920s through the 1970s, and their works cover Russian avant-garde, socialist realism as well as the non-official underground art of the 1960s and 1970s.
Thematic Shows
- Constructing the BAM - Baikal-Amur Mainline
- Shock Workers of Communist Labour
- Pushkin in Soviet Art
- The Russian North
- Lake Baikal in Soviet Art
- Animal Painters of the Soviet Union
- Computer and Printer Safety and Ergonometric Rules - Soviet Posters
- Timber Industry in the USSR
- Ports of the Soviet Union
- Nonconformist Soviet Art of the 1960s and 1970s
- Posters from Lithuania, 1960s-1970s
- Consumer Service Culture - Series of Posters, 1981
- Cigarettes, Tobacco and Matchboxes - Russian Labels 1890-1922
- Coffee and Tea - Russian Labels 1890-1922
- Perfumes and Soap - Russian Labels 1890-1922
- Alcohol - Russian Labels 1890-1922
- Advertising Test Prints - Russia 1900-1922
- Confectionary - Biscuits, Candy, Chocolate - Russian Labels 1890-1922
- Religious Test Prints - Russia 1900-1917
- Agitplakat Posters - Belarus SSR
Book Illustrations
- Andrushkevich Vladimir, 1950s, Illustrations for the Journal "Our Shift" (Наша Смена)
- Cheremnykh Mikhail, 1922, "Jimmie Higgins", Upton Sinclair (1919)
- Tsarevich Ivan, 1966, "Give the Beauty of Your Soul", Khachim Teunov (1960)
- Tsarevich Ivan, 1970, "Twilight", Julian Opilsky (1922)
- Korzhevskaya Yulia, 1979, "About That", Vladimir Mayakovsky (1923)
- Endrikson Evgeniya, 1974, "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", Vladimir Mayakovsky (1923)
- Korzhevskaya Yulia, 1982, "Ulysses", James Joyce (1922)
- Korzhevskaya Yulia, 1979, "Faust", Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1808)
- Korzhevsky Boris, Misc. Book Illustrations
- Andrushkevich Vladimir, Misc. Book Illustrations
- Endrikson Evgenia, 1940s, "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", Russian Folk Tale
- Golts Nika, "The Little Match-Seller Girl", Hans Christian Andersen (1845)
- Golts Nika, 1965, "Odolen Grass", Valentina Lyubimova (1938)
- Endrikson Evgenia, 1950s, "The Goat and the Ram", Russian Folk Tale
- Golts Nika, "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", 1964, Russian folk tale
- Golts Nika, 1959, "Master Thierry's Three Windows", Ludmilla Makowsky (1959)
- Golts Nika, 1977, "Die drei Männlein im Walde" (The Three Little Men in the Wood), 1977, Brothers Grimm (1812)
- Dmitrieva Galina, 1977, "The Cat and the Fox ", Russian Folk Tale
- Golts Nika, 1955, "Twelve Months", Samuil Marshak (1943)
- Golts Nika, 1956, "Cinderella" ("The Little Glass Slipper"), Folk Tale
Artist Portfolios
- Kalmaeva, Lyudmila (born 1946)
- Khomov, Nikolay (1903–1973)
- Svirin, Gennady (born 1937)
- Datskevich, Sergey (1919-1977)
- Filimonov, Viktor (1938-1998)
- Fedotieva, Larisa (born 1935)
- Shakovets, Gennady (born 1960)
- Kocheishvili, Boris (born 1940)
- Nodelman, Semyon (1912-1979)
- Krasnov, B.
- Doroshevich, Fyodor (1905-1986)
- Borisov, Arkady (born 1957)
- Gudmonas, Jonas (born 1941)
- Medelsky, Aleksandr (1892-1943)
- Kochergin, Nikolay (1897-1974)
- Fitingof, Georgy Pavlovich (1905-1975)
- Timkov, Nikolai (1912-1993)
- Mochalov, Sergey (1902-1957)
- Tyrsa, Nikolay (1887-1942)
- Budogossky, Eduard (1903-1976)