

Voronezh, USSR

Genre and landscape painter

Pyotr Ilich Maiorov was born in Kharkov. During the World War II he served in the Red Army on the Ukrainian front. He graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Graphical Arts in 1954.

After the war Maiorov moved to Voronezh. In the 1950's, he travelled and painted extensively in the Asian republics of the Soviet Union.
He depicted the nature around Voronezh in bright colours. In particular he liked the colours of harvest, the last days of summer.

The WW2 was another favourite theme of his. He was inspired by the monumental art of Surikov and the Napolean war. He painted war scenes, soldier portraits and details of the life of the partisans behind enemy lines.

The topic of the war veteran, having returned home, but not being able to feel himself completely at home was another of his themes.

He loved to paint the day-to-day life of the workers of the kolkhozes, harvest scenes in warm yellow and orange colours, and riding the motorcycle in the wheat field.

Pyotr Maiorov is one of the most esteemed representatives of the Voronezh school of painting.


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